Thursday, April 30, 2015

Chapter 2

"So that's it! Highlights are don't use karate outside! Call people with brown as sempai and black belt as sensei! Bow before you enter or went out! Respect each other by bowing and whatnots!" Lynx scratch his neck as his chuckled. 

Melanie just sighed. "Just remember the rules and you'll be fine. If you break a rule or two, it's either be punish or kick out." Melanie emphasizes the last two words with seriousness. My stomach drop a little. Hell no. I know I'll love it here. 

Lynx and Melanie eyes then look at our backs. "Sempai," they greeted. I turn my back and saw another man bowing at the door. 

"He's sempai Calvin." Lynx  introduce him to us. I just nodded my head at him and turn back at front. 

"Are they the first batch?" I heard Calvin asking. 

"Hm! Quite a batch we have!" Lynx jumps up and down like a boxer. 

"Have you guys done the warm ups?" Calvin entered the dressing room via mirror. 

"Not yet, sempai." Melanie answered. 

"Do it now so we'll do the yoga next." Sempai ordered. 

"Okay sempai~" Melanie and Lynx chirped. They have playful smirks on their faces. Uh-oh

"Kiritsu! Stand!" Melanie ordered us. I slowly stands up as the other hyper stood. 

"First warm up is loosening!" Lynx started turning his hips with speed. I think he had turn it 180 degrees already!

"Follow us!" Melanie did the same thing. I shrug and did the same thing. I had already the flexibility so okay. I executed the first one easily. 

They started counting up to 10. 

"Next! Neck stretch!" They placed their finger tips below their chin. 

I have a feeling the warm ups are just something else. 
"NEXT! YOGA~" Sempai Calvin chirped happily. He was wearing the usual karate kimono with brown belt and his name in Japanese letters on his left chest. 

I squinted my eyes suspiciously. They laughed. 

"Sempai! You're too obvious! Azy knows something already!" Lynx pointed at me. 

"Oops." Sempai chuckles. 

Okay. I get it now. There were 5 out of 18 yogas I couldn't do properly and the others couldn't do majority of them. And so Lynx, Melanie and Sempai found them funny just because we couldn't do them. 

List of things I couldn't do.

First V-stretch. 

I have to do a V on my legs then after that. I have to kiss my right knee for 20 seconds, same thing for left knee and the ground. Yes, I could reach my toes but kissing my knee! Ouch! 

And so Lynx went to me and bend down my body for me. Lovely. 

"Ow! Ow! Let me go!" He bends it down until my forehead had reach my knee. 

"Okay count! 1...2....3...."

"Hurry up! Speed your counting!" I exclaimed. 

And the three of them laughed. 

Second was the bridge. I swear I'll get this one properly by tomorrow cause it was easy but still...

"Okay! Next, lie down on the ground." Melanie instructed us. 

"Then make a fist and place them on your abdomen!" I could seriously see them smirking again. 

"Then turn to your right!" And we did. 

"And lift your legs!" 


I tried but I couldn't. Melanie lifted up my legs for me and let it go. My legs were shivering in fatigue already but they still counted slowly. ARGH!

Third was the Butterfly. 

"Sit on the ground then stick your feet together in front of you." I followed her. 

"Next, pulled them to your jewels!" Melanie chuckles. I just followed her and did so. 

"Next! Both of your knees must touch the ground!" 

Okay what?

Then I felt a foot on my knee. I looked and saw Sempai smirking. He then steps on my other knee and brings both of my knees down. I have to admit that was painful. 

"Okay!" I roared. "Count already!" 

And so another laughing fit. 

Fourth was the Diamond.

"Pull your legs a little bit away from your jewels until you'll form a diamond!" We followed. 

"Now, knees to the ground!" And I was in high alert. Sempai was now standing on Bail so I let my guard down. 

But now I felt another feet on my knees. I looked up and whined. "Lyyynx~ Don't!" 

He chuckled in amusement. "No can do~" And bring my knee down. I bite down my agony. 

Last was the most painful thing of all but didn't force us yet. 

"SPLIT!" All of them chirp in happiness. 

"Split?" I asked in bewildered. 

"Yup~" Lynx did a split. My eyes widen in disbelief. 

"Preparation first, of course~" Melanie giggles. 

"Fold your left leg and then straighten our your right leg." Sempai instruct us.

"This is preparation for forward split." Sempai added. 


But we all followed his instructions. We sat on our foot for support and Lynx quickly stands up. 

"Those who couldn't execute this, don't worry~ We'll help~" He chirped in happiness while looking at me. I groaned. 

"Now kiss your knees!" 

WHAT?! This is a ballet exercise! I see this on TV! I thought that was that!

"What?" All of us was in disbelief. 

Lynx then went into the same position as us. Then he kiss his knees. "Simple~" 

"Because you're you." I excused. 

"Do it now~ Kiss your knees~" Melanie was already standing behind Kyla, Sempai was behind Bail and I stared at Lynx who was already smirking in front of me. 

"No. Don't you dare..."

He quickly went behind me and bend me forward. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" 

"Breath in and out, Azy~ It'll help~" he teased. 

"Shut it!" 

He just laughed. 

"Shit! Start counting!" 

And the same thing happened to my left. 

"Sweet, wasn't it?" Melanie laughed. 

The newbies and I were already breathing hard and I saw Kyla was panting the hardest. 

"Now forward~ Put your right foot forward and then split!" Sempai claps his hands once and we all followed. 

I followed and slowly bring myself down. 

"Wow~ Azy, you're almost touching the ground!" Melanie commented. I looked at my knees and saw they were few inches away from the ground. 

"Lynx, assist me." I heard sempai ordered.

I then saw Sempai at my back and put his arms below my armpits. Lynx was at my ankle; ready to pull. 

"I'll be supporting your weight and I'll slowly bring you down, kay?" Sempai said as he smirk. 

"No. Not okay." I plainly replied while glaring at Lynx with challenging eyes. Lynx and sempai laughed. 

"Okay go~" Lynx started pulling my ankle as Sempai was bringing me down. 

I think an inch or two away from the ground, I started yelling to stop. They let me go and I was finally free. 

"Don't forget~ There's still left and center~" Melanie chirped. 


And I stayed laying down on the mat. 
After the horror, we were giving a break. If you call laying down to the ground while panting a break, then it is a break!

Of course you can guess by now who are laughing. 

But I've discovered something~ Lynx couldn't do the center split so I swear I'll get the center split before he does! 

"Sempai..." Kyla called out. I push myself into sitting position as I faced the mirror. 


"How many years have you spent in Karate?" Kyla asked. 

"About....6 years?" He answered. 


I faced him and he nodded. 

"How about Lynx?" She asked again. 

"About....7 months?" Lynx answered while smirking,

7 months? And he couldn't do the center split yet?

"Melanie?" Kyla asked again. 

"Same as Lynx." She sat beside us. 

"Okay my turn to ask~" Melanie chirped. 

"Who plans to continue Karate?" 

I raised my hand. 

"I'm not sure." Kyla answered. 

"I dunno." Bail slowly sat up. 

Celine shrug her shoulders while smiling goofy. 

"So only you?" Sempai asked. I nodded. 

"Why?" He asked again. Testing me, huh?

I smirk. Yeah. I love smirking.

"Cause it's such a waste. I'm now starting and yet I'll just quit? Just like that?" I answered in sarcasm. 

"Same reason as me then." Sempai raised his hand for a high five and gave him one. 

"Tomorrow, it'll be more intense so be prepared~" Melanie claps her hands in excitement. 

All of us groaned and I lie back at the ground. 

I saw Lynx looking at me with a spark in his eyes.

Oh no you don't. I'll be fine by myself tomorrow. You'll not see myself in pain and whine ever again. 

I glared at him as he chuckled. 

For the love of.....ARGH!

Chapter 2! Finish!

I have to remind you guys that all of my chapters in the blog aren't edited, okaaaaay?

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