Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chapter 1: Sempai, notice me?

By: AngelXReaper
Published: April 28, 7:28 PM (PH time)
Genre: Comedy and Romance
Summary: Azy is an athletic girl but her studies were getting harder and harder. Now she rarely plays her sports. She got stuck inside her room studying and studying. Don't get me wrong. She socialize too but rarely. Now summer came! She's free from her studies but what's this?  Instead of playing her sports, she sticks her butt on her bed and plays ipad? Oh dear. Now what will parents do now they saw how their daughter is now lazing around? Why, summer class of course! And what's best for this girl is KARATE!

Chapter 1: Sempai, notice me?

'From what I have gathered, the Dojo is at the College Section of my school. Students with high belts or statues will teach the students in summer class? I'm still not sure on that. Then, classes starts at 8 AM to 11 AM.' Azy spit out the toothpaste in her mouth. I grab her glass of water and drink some. Azy started gurgling the water and spit it out. Azy washed her toothbrush and place it on her sink. 

She wipes her mouth with her towel. She walks back into her room and started changing. She slipped on her panty and sports bra. She applied lotion and deodorant. She smiles at her full body mirror but then frowns. 

'Did I...gained weight?' She place her right hand on her stomach. She then turn her body to have a clear view on her stomach. 'Holy! I did!' She paled more as she saw her bicep. 

She quickly turns and observed her other bicep. 'Even my biceps are huge!' 

Okay. Her stomach did not gain that much and her biceps are not that big. She just exaggerates but she's a girl and girls exaggerates that much. 

"Azy! Hurry up or you'll be late!" Her mom called out. 

"Okay!" Azy quickly gets her jogging pants and twist it up the hems until it reach her knee then a gray T shirt. Azy grabs her scrunchy and bag with her ipad in it. 

She quickly puts on her socks and jogging shoes. After that, she slings her back bag with one strap on her right shoulder and wears her scrunchy like a bracelet. 

She runs downstairs with hurry and jumps three steps and pose at the end of the stairs. "DONE! Let's go!" 

Her mom just smiled at her and opens the door and straight to her awaiting car. Azy followed and locks the door and hop on the car. 
Azy POV 

"Excuse me. Is this the Karate Summer Class?" My mom went to the girl who was in front of the table. The table was beside the door that was wide open. I can see inside despite standing behind mom. 

The floor was being cover with blue gymnastic mat. On the upper right corner, there were punching bags being sprawled on the ground. On the left upper corner, there were those kicking poles with sticks coming out from the side. From the left lower corner, there were cabinets. And the right lower corner what seem like a dressing room. 

Left side  of us were a big mirror and on the in front were pictures of Japanese people and their names under it. (They were in banners form and was in Japanese language)

"U-Uh yes, Ma'am!" The girl shuttered. 

"Shit!" I heard a curse. 

I saw man walking out of the dressing room shirtless. Well, this is not the first time I saw a man shirtless but a stranger? And with abs? Dear deity. I looked away as quickly as possible as I heard my mom gasped. 

"Lynx!" The girl gasped. "Get your shirt back on!" She hissed angrily. 

"Sorry!" And the man went back in. 

"I'm sorry about him, Ma'am. He just finished training and didn't expect guests." I turn back in the room and saw the man-with shirt now-walk beside the girl. 

"Are they the aspirants?" The man asked. Deep voice, I noted. 

"I think the girl beside this woman is." The girl sarcastically answered. 

"Oh right. Sorry. Follow me please." The man-I think Linx was his name?-gestured me inside. He was barefooted. Should I remove my shoes too? Nah. 

I walk in the room with my shoes on with a tiny smirk of playfulness. 

"Baby, I'll be back when the lesson is done, okay?" I twist my neck to her and nodded. 

"Kay..." I answered. Mom smiles and walks away. 

The girl stepped inside and removed her slipper. She bowed before walking totally inside. She placed her slippers in the rack beside the door. I didn't notice that one. 

"Baby girl, please remove your shoes and place it on the shoe rack." She smiled at me and gestured the shoe rack. 

'Baby girl?' But I ignored it. I bend down and remove my shoes and socks. I placed it beside the girl's slippers. 

"Okay. Since the others aren't here yet, we'll introduce each other! Me first. I'm Melanie, green belt." She smiles at me. 

"This is Lynx, yellow belt." Melanie gestured to the Linx. 

"Yo," he greeted. 

"Sorry for earlier." he chuckles nervously. 

"It's okay. My name is Azy." I intertwined my hands behind my back and bend my right knee. 

"Hi, Azy. How old are you, by the way?" Melanie asked. 

"16," I answered. 

"Oh! Did you just turn sixteen?" Melanie asked again. 

"Yes. Last last month." And I answered again. 

"Well, I'm 19 and he's 17. Actually, age is a sensitive topic here but don't worry about it~" I nodded my head. Well, it seems to be fair. I'm in the college section so there will be more older people here. 

"Well, just sit down for now and we'll wait for the others." Melanie assured me to on of the chairs. 

"Lynx, entertain her." Melanie hissed on the guy. She then smiles at me and went back to her table seeing there were more people coming. 

"Uh...Okay. Hi...what's your name again?" He asked while squeezing his eyes shot. He look up and concentrated hard. 

I giggled. "Azy. It's not that hard. How do you spell your name?" 

"Oh right! Azi! Well, how do you spell you name?" he shoots back. 

"I asked first." I crossed my arm. 

"Right. Feisty. L-y-n-x. Now, yours." 


"Okay! Hi, Azy!" He grins at me and I must say, that was cute. 

"Hello, Lynx." I smirked back at him. 
There were fours of us. Me, a guy I saw in the high school section, a girl that might be 3 years younger from me and a kid. 

We were seated in front of the big mirror with another man and woman in front of us. Beside them was a board with words written on it. 


It said. 

"Okay. Aspirants! That is you guys." The man open his arms on us and chuckled. 

"I'm Ken. Brown belt. I mean Sempai Ken." He chuckles again. 

"Sem...pai...." I know that word. Of course I know. I read manga and watch anime! And for the love of anime! The joke, "Sempai, notice me!" is at the tip of my tongue! But I have to hold it in. 

"What's a sempai?" the kid asked. 

"Senior student." The woman answered. She look strict as she cross her arms and look down on us. 

"I'm Sempai Gabrielle. Gab for short. I'm also a brown belt." 

"In here, we only call people "sempai" with brown belts only. We call people with black belts as sensei." Ken explained. Or maybe I should call him as Sempai Ken?

"People under brown and black belts are kohai. You guys are kohai. As well as Lynx and Mel." Ken explained more. He was the easy going type, I noted. 

"Uhm. Well, I'm sorry to day this but we have to go. We're only here to see the aspirants. Lynx and Mel was suppose to do the intro but they pushed us into explaining this part into you guys." Ken chuckles and pointed accusingly at Lynx and Melanie. Lynx and Melanie just chuckled. 

"The rules and regulations will be explain by them. There will be another sempai coming here as your instructor." Gabrielle explained. Lynx and Melanie was then seen walking to the front as it was seen in the mirror. 

Lynx and Ken bowed to each other. Then Melanie and Gabrielle bowed to each other. Lynx and Mel then changed partners. Lynx bowed to Gabrielle and Melanie bowed to Ken. 

Well, now I know. I was signed up into something Japanese so bowing was natural. 

Ken and Gabrielle was at the door. They bowed before walking out with their shoes. 

Lynx clapped his hands to get our attention. "Okay! Introduction!" He exclaimed. I groaned and I heard some of us too. 

"Tell us your name, age and....what else?" Melanie looked at Lynx embarrass as Lynx laughed. 

"Name and age is enough!" Lynx clapped his hands again. 

"Let's start with you." Lynx pointed at me. I was at the center for anime sake! Start at the corner. I gave him a nasty look as I sighed. 

"Azy, 16." 

"Next!" Lynx pointed at the boy at the left side. 

"Bail, just turn 17." 

"Okay next!" Lynx pointed at the girl at the end of our line. 

"Kyla and I-I'm 12." The girl had glasses on and from her soft voice, she was the shy type. 

"Last!" Lynx open his arms at the kid. 

"C-Celine and I-I'm 6." 

"Okay! Wow! What a batch we have!" Lynx jumps up and down like a boxer. 

"So let's start with our rules and regulations!" 
Chapter 1...FINISHED! 

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